Team Sydney’s Sports Council

The purpose of the Team Sydney Sports Council (SC) is to assist the Board in running Team Sydney by giving each member team a direct voice in the running of the organisation. It provides a conduit for news on the day-to-day happenings and undertakings of individual member Clubs.

Under the Team Sydney Constitution, each member organisation can appoint one Delegate to the Sports Council, plus an Alternate for when the Delegate is unavailable.

Together, these Delegates bring to the SC wide and various perspectives on sporting projects, games, events and competitions, such as:

  • The participation of member Clubs at local, national and international events
  • Act as a focal point for interaction and joint events between members Clubs
  • Act as a focal point in discussions relating to inclusive sporting events
  • Generate interest, publicity and concepts for adoption by Team Sydney

While the Board may appoint a Director as an ex-officio Chair, the SC Secretary manages the day-to-day happenings.

The Secretary:

  • Calls meetings of the SC, distributes an agenda prior to each meeting and records minutes of the meeting for ratification by the Board and display on the Team Sydney website.
  • Distributes to the member Clubs promotional material received from other sporting Clubs and bodies.
  • (with the Newsletter Coordinator) ensures such promotional material gets wide coverage.
  • Maintains email and personal contact with the Delegates, driving participation in SC events.
  • Encourages the presentation of ideas on issues such as local and interstate organisations, member Clubs, individual members and especially opportunities for sponsorships, media partners and promotion of Team Sydney participation in the events of the quadrennial Gay Games, World Outgames, EuroGames and their respective affiliates.
  • Ensures the Board ratifies such ideas before acting on any of them.

The SC can also elect from among the Delegates up to six of the twelve available positions on the Team Sydney Board. Any positions not filled by the SC are open to people elected at the Annual General Meeting. It is in the best interests of the SC and of the Board that these 6 positions are filled.

The SC was reformed in 2005 and has enthusiastically presented the Sports Festival each year since 2006.

SC members have been stallholders in the Team Sydney Sports Village at Mardi Gras Fair Day since 2006 and have made a significant contribution to the success of that event each year.

If your sports Club is not already a Team Sydney member but would like to know what we do and how we can assist sports Clubs, your Club Delegate will be made very welcome.

If you would like to have a say in the direction of Team Sydney or if your Club would like to participate in Team Sydney’s sports events, then get involved. The SC is a great way to get your Club involved and better known.

  • Don’t forget: Team Sydney member Clubs receive preference in printed guides and advertisements and have first-call on stalls available at Sports Village at MG Fair Day.